Monday, December 26, 2011

GRF(human)Acetate is an Effective Hypothalamic Hormone

GRF is a hypothalamic hormone which regulates the synthesis and secernment of somatotrophin from the front tooth pituitary. It is a 44-amino back breaker peptide endocrine brought forth in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. It is a white powder.

Molecular Formula C215H358N72O66S; Molecular Weight 5039.76; Purity (HPLC) 98.0%min. Diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency - not yet approved applications.

Single Impurity (HPLC) 1.0%max. Anterior pituitaries from the dwarf computer mouse breed "minuscule" behaved not release somatotrophic hormone or accumulate adenosine 3’,5-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in response to human and rat growth hormone-releasing divisor (GRF). Dibutyryl bicyclic AMP, as well as the adenylate cyclase stimulators forskolin and cholera toxin, markedly caused growth hormone (GH) release.

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