Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Function of CRF (human, rat) Acetate

CRF (human, rat) Acetate stimulates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)secretory cells in adenohypohhysis to make it secrete ACTH.
It inhibits food intake in mammals. CRF plays a potent role in decreasing food intake in avian species. the efficacy of CRF, urocortin and urotensin I was directly compared using one dose, 0.1 µg.
Appearance: white powder
A conditional random field (CRF) is a statistical molding process often implemented in figure identification. Many specifically it is a type of judicial aimless probabilistic graphical framework. Them comprises expended to code experienced kinships 'tween ceremonials and conception uniform interpretations. Them comprises often used for labeling or parsing of successive data, such as natural language text or biological sequences and in computer vision.
Usage: Used for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency and for the emergency treatment of shock.
The results indicated that the suppressive effect on food intake was strongest for CRF followed by urotensin I, then urocortin. These results suggest that the structure of receptors for the CRF family in chicks may be somewhat different than in mammals.

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