R-G-D-V inhibited the release of granular proteins from platelets associated with thrombus (platelet factor 4, beta-thromboglobulin; P less than 0.01), but did not prevent the appearance of fibrinopeptide A in circulating blood (P greater than 0.1). No systemic alterations in blood pressure, bleeding time, or platelet aggregation ex vivo were produced by locally infused RGDV. The antithrombotic effects of RGDV peptide disappeared within 5 min after discontinuing the infusion. In control studies infused RGEV (Arg-Gly-Glu-Val, 100 microM) showed no antithrombotic activity. Thus, RGDV selectively blocks platelet-dependent thrombus formation in vivo.
Sequence: {ARG} {GLY} {ASP} {VAL}
Formula: C17H31N7O7
R-G-D-V is a member of Phytoreovirus. It was determined that R-G-D-V is the nucleotide sequence of genome segment S11 of rice gall dwarf virus. The segment RGDV encodes a putative protein of 40 kDa that exhibits approximately 37% homology at the amino acid level to the nonstructural proteins Pns10 of rice dwarf and wound tumor viruses. which are other members of Phytoreovirus.
More about: R-G-D-V sale
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