Monday, March 12, 2012

Specifications of Eledoisin Acetate

Eledoisin Acetate
Sequence pGlu-Pro-Ser-Lys-Asp-Ala-Phe-Ile-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2
CAS No. 69-25-0
Molecular formula C54H85N13O15S
Molecular weight 1188.44
Purity (HPLC)99.0%
Appearance White powder
Peptide content (N%) 80%(by %N)
Eledoisin Acetate is an acetate salt form of Eledoisin which is a decapeptide from the posterior salivary gland of a species of snail (Eledone) and a nonselective neurokinin receptor agonist. It has vasodilator, hypotensive and extravascular smooth muscle stimulant properties.  It was first isolated from the posterior salivary glands of two mollusk species Eledone muschata and Eledone aldovandi, which belong to the octopod order of Cephalopoda.
More about: Eledoisin Acetate sale
Read more: Peptides

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