Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Specifications of Pro-Adrenomedullin (N-20), porcine

Pro-Adrenomedullin (N-20), porcine
Solubility: Distilled water for a solution up to 2 mg/ml, otherwise we recommend using acetonitrile
Format: Each vial contains lyophilized solid packaged under an inert gas and supplied as a trifluoroacetate salt
Storage Condition of Pro-Adrenomedullin (N-20), porcine
Store peptide in DRY form at 0-5°C. For best results and reproducibility, rehydrate peptide just before use. Do not attempt to weigh out smaller portions. Do not refreeze any unused portions.
Appearance White powder
Content    The contents of this vial have been accurately determined to contain 200µg of NET peptide.
More about: Pro-Adrenomedullin (N-20), porcine sale
Read more: Polypeptides

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